Breast Augmentation (Fat Graft)

Breast Augmentation (Fat Graft)


Before                                                      After


Before                                                     After


Breast augmentation can be achieved by using the patient’s own fat instead of implant.  In fat grafting, fat is harvested from an area in the patient’s body where there is abundance of fat.  The harvested fat is transferred to the breasts to increase the  breast size and improve the breast shape.


The procedure starts with the surgeon performing liposuction in donor areas where a sufficient amount of fat can be harvested. The most common donor areas are the tummy and thighs. The surgeon removes fat from the donor sites while creating desirable contour and shape in these donor areas. Fat harvesting is performed using a gentle technique that ensures the viability and health of the fat cells. The fat is then separated from the unwanted fluid and blood and is prepared for injection into the breasts.  Injection of fat into the breasts is performed using a special fat graft injector that delivers minute fat droplet in a tightly controlled manner. Injection of fat is done in such a way that facilitates the integration and growth of the fat cells in the breast tissue.


The main advantage of fat graft breast augmentation is that the breast enlargement is done using the patient’s own fat. There is no foreign material (implants) introduced into the body. The procedure is minimally invasive and recovery time is short. Injection of fat into the breasts is through small openings that leave behind tiny scars that are barely visible. Fine adjustment is possible to correct any minor asymmetry or defects in the breasts to achieve desirable results. Breast augmentation by fat grafting can be considered a two-in-one procedure i.e. liposuction to slim down the donor areas and augmentation of the breasts. Breasts augmented with fat graft usually feel soft and natural.


The requirement for a successful fat graft breast augmentation is that the patient must have enough fat for transfer. Also, there is a limit to the maximal enlargement that fat graft augmentation can achieve. Usually the breast can be enlarged by a maximum of one cup size. If patients wish to have larger enlargement, breast implants are the better option. A certain percentage of fat injected into the breast will be reabsorbed, while the rest will remain in the breast for the long term. The final results depend on the skill and technique used during the procedure, the patient’s body response to the fat graft, the adverse effects of smoking, and the post-operative care.





  1. Inform the doctor of any pre-existing medical conditions and drug allergy. All medical conditions must be treated and stabilized before surgery.
  2. Stop smoking at least one week before surgery. Smoking is harmful to wound healing and increases the risks of other post-operation complications.
  3. Stop the following medications and supplements from one week before surgery until one week after surgery.
    1. All supplements containing vitamin E, ginseng, ginkgo, garlic, fish oil, and other ingredients that increase bleeding during the procedure. Other supplements, traditional medicine, and herbs, in which ingredients are unknown, have to stop as well.
    2. Medicine that increases bleeding during the procedure such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and warfarin. However, you may need to consult your physician who prescribed the medication before you stop them.
  4. On the day of surgery, wear simple and comfortable clothing. Do not wear any makeup. Do not wear any jewelry and metal objects on the face and body.





Duration: 3-4 hours

Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia

Hospitalization: Not required

Recovery*: Back to work in 3-5 days, light exercise after 2 weeks, heavy exercise after 3-4 weeks. * The actual speed of recovery may vary from person to person.



Fat Graft Breast Augmentation involves three sequential steps:

  1. Fat Harvesting: using liposuction to harvest fat from donor areas (commonly thighs and tummy)
  2. Fat Separation and Purification: pure fat is separated from blood, body fluid and other unwanted elements.
  3. Fat Injection: fat is injected into the breasts using special fat graft injector (MAFT Gun™) that delivers minute fat droplet in a tightly controlled manner.



Post-operative Care**

  1. What to expect:
    1. Swelling usually peaks on the second to third day after surgery and will gradually subside after that. There may be some minor bruises which will settle  in 1-2 weeks.
    2. The breasts may feel tight for 1-2 weeks.
  2. General care:
    1. Use a supportive bra to support the breasts for the first one month.
    2. Avoid smoking for at least one month. Smoking increases the risk of wound complications and adversely affects the survival of the fat graft.
    3. Sleep on the back. Avoid sleeping on one side to prevent pressure on the breasts.
    4. Adequate rest and adequate sleep are helpful to speed up recovery.
    5. Be relaxed and calm. Contact the clinic if there are any queries.
  3. Medicine: Finish the oral antibiotics as prescribed. Take the painkiller as prescribed when necessary.
  4. Wound care: Clean the wound with a clean cotton tip soaked with sterile water/saline. Apply antibiotic ointment. No wound dressings are required.
  5. Physical activity: Avoid heavy physical activity and exercise for at least one month.
  6. Follow-up:Come back one week after surgery for suture removal and review.
  7. Emergency: If there is heavy bleeding, a rapid increase in swelling or severe pain, immediately contact the clinic/doctor for advice.


** The instructions in this list are only for general guidance. If you have any specific queries or concerns during the post-operative recovery, please contact the clinic for further advice.



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